Fairfax CASA’s Run for the Children

Fairfax CASA’s Run for the Children

Mission Statement: Fairfax CASA’s Run for the Children has been touted a “must-do” event by runners, families, and the media. With the community’s participation, we have been able to bring increased awareness to the issue of child abuse and neglect as well as raise money for our important mission. The money raised through race registrations and sponsorships helps us to provide a dedicated individual – an advocate – to stand beside every child in need, giving them a voice in court and helping them to reach their potential.

Volunteer Opportunities: Fairfax CASA utilizes youth volunteers, ages 13-18, for our annual Run for the Children 8K Race and 3K Run/Walk. Specific volunteer positions which are ideal for youth are the grounds set-up and clean-up committees which allow youth volunteers to receive their school community service credit, if needed. Additionally, volunteers are needed to help out at the water stations, food tent, and much more! Youth volunteers may also pass out race info prior to the race. So, grab a group of your friends and come be a part of this exciting community event!

Training: None

Minimum Age: 13

Minimum Age w/Adult: 13

Is this organization group friendly? Yes

Times Needed: May 2, 2015, 5am-12pm (various time slots)

Public Transportation: None

Requirements for applying: Sign up here to volunteer: http://www.fairfaxrunforthechildren.com/how-to-help/volunteer-on-race-day/

Long Term Commitment: Dependent on job.

(Information from the Directory of Youth Service Opportunities)